As a Louisiana resident, you know how unpredictable hurricane season often is. From torrential downpours to high-speed winds, hurricane season has the ability to wreak havoc on your home roofing system. But the thing is, where there’s storms, there’s shady roofing contractors. These “storm chasers” are lurking around looking to take advantage of you. That’s why the experts at Livingston Roofing want you to know the signs that a roofing company might not be looking out for your best interests. Livingston Roofing has been serving Baton Rouge since 1957 and we pride ourselves in delivering high-quality results. Let’s take a look at some of the common telltale signs that a roofing contractor is trying to take advantage of you.
Too Low of a Starting Bid
Ever heard of the phrase “too good to be true”? It applies to roofing contractors too. Sometimes you’ll come across a roofing contractor that provides a price unbelievably lower than the competitors. But after they begin working, the price might increase due to “unforeseen problems” they encounter or inflated material costs. This can leave you stuck in a contract watching the price of your new roof climb higher and higher.
How To Avoid: Avoiding this scam is easier than you’d think. How so? Simply do your research when considering a roofing company. Talk with multiple roofing companies in the area to understand pricing and what you should expect to actually pay.
Storm Chasers
Opportunistic scammers like to take advantage of homeowners after large storms roll through. Sometimes they leave a pamphlet or flyers around your neighborhood offering to repair or replace roof damage. Other times they’ll exaggerate the extent of your roof’s damage to get you to replace your roof even when there aren’t any problems.
How To Avoid: Take your time. Don’t ever feel pressured to replace or repair your roof without doing your research. Ask your insurance for references in your area. Additionally, don’t be nervous to ask a lot of questions during your search. Check the status of your roofer’s license and be sure to look up reviews for the company.
Insurance Fraud
Shady roofing companies are notorious for attempting to commit insurance fraud. There are many ways shady roofers can do this. They might attempt this by giving two separate invoices—one to the client and a higher one to the insurance company.
How To Avoid: Listen to what the roofer is offering. Be alert if they offer to pay your insurance deductible or offer other no-cost incentives because these can be signs of fraud.
Looking for a Roof Repair Company In West Baton Rouge?
Livingston Roofing & Sheet Metal has been in business for over 60 years. Our goal is to help protect your home and your family. If you are in need of a roof repair company in west Baton Rouge or the surrounding areas, give us a call today. We’ll walk you through your options to figure out your best choice for your replacement or repair.
Once onsite, we diagnose your problem and work with you and your insurance company to get the job done. We’re here for you every step of the process—from filing the insurance claim to laying the last shingle. Call us 225-644-5718, fill out a Customize Your Roof form, or contact us to start.